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Thursday, March 31, 2005 

31 die in bus crash

Thirty-one people have been killed in a collision between two buses on the Damascus-Suweida highway, near the border with Jordan. Another 44 have been injured - four of them are in a critical condition.

It's believed that the buses were travelling too fast. It isn't clear where the buses were travelling to or from.

The Damascus-Suweida road is also the road to Amman in Jordan. It is very dangerous because it's straight and flat, so cars go very fast.

The road to Beirut is also dangerous, but for the opposite reasons: it's hilly, curvy and narrow. Maybe the Syrian Authorities don't want us to leave the country!

The maintanence of Syrian roads isn't as bad as other Arab countries. There aren't so many cars, and most drivers are professionals (there aren't many private cars).

It's sad that such news does not make headlines in Syria. When 31 die and 44 get injured in an accident anywhere in the world, newspapers would be filled with articles, analyses on why this happens on our roads, etc. Highliting the issue can help us avoid a repetition of the disaster, while ignoring it means we still don't value human life and we are ready to easily "accept" more deaths and more tragedies.

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  • Written by sasa
  • From Damascus, Syria
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